maanantai 24. syyskuuta 2018


I first started this blog in the spring 2017. And kept it going for about a month.

Things have changed since then, and I try to get more productive with my writing.

Below is the original introduction, that is still valid, so I'm not going to invent the wheel again, but I have to add these two lines:

Then I learned about Salesforce. Once again, not as a developer, but not purely as an Admin either. 

Now (9/24/2018) I'm between jobs, actively looking, but also focusing on the jobs that help me make some lateral moves within the field. 


A brief introduction

"Hello, I'm the Doctor."

Well of course I'm not, but it would kind of fitting to be able to introduce myself as such.

When I started working in IT (1997), internet was quite new and kind of exciting. We had no idea where it would lead. Or at least I didn't. I had a job, I got paid and I knew (kind of) how to code.

Then things started to happen and one job lead to another, internet became something more and I started to think that maybe this would make a career.

It kind of did.

Fast forward to 2010 and I became to know the beast called SharePoint. Did a stint with that and afterwards I started to think, I was no longer a coder, but then again I wasn't a Project Manager nor a Consultant. 

So where, in the ecosystem, would I fit? Took some time to study the Basics of Human Resource Management, not because I was considering a future in HR, but because many of the subjects would make a better team leader and/or team member. 

So here we are, now you know something about me and my history. Take your time with the other posts if you're so inclined.

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